boulder county bondsman

Securing bail bonds online: How it saves time

Nothing could be more upsetting than receiving a phone call informing you that a loved one has been arrested. Whatever the cause, you know you need to find a method to get them out of jail, and the only way to do it safely is to post bail for that individual. Bail posting can be a difficult and confusing process for someone who has never dealt with bail bonds before, which is why you should seek out and employ a professional to assist you. Not sure how it works or how to go with this? Don't worry, you're not alone; Boulder

By | 2022-06-22T00:34:15-06:00 June 23rd, 2022|Bail Bonds, Blog|

What To Do If Your Teenager Is Arrested in Colorado

As a loving parent, you do not want your child to get into trouble, especially if they are only a juvenile. However, it is not a rare incident for youth to be arrested for committing a delinquent or criminal act. According to, an estimated 2.1 million youth below 18 years old are arrested in the United States during a single year. Not all juvenile arrests are pursuant to severe crimes. Some common offenses are shoplifting, simple assault, underage drinking, joyriding, vandalism, graffiti charges, and many others. It is essential to know that the time subsequent to your child being arrested is crucial.

By | 2020-07-02T10:05:48-06:00 June 12th, 2020|Bail Bonds|

Common Bail Conditions and What Happens If You Violate Them

If someone you know is arrested for a crime, working with a reliable Boulder County bondsman is essential to secure their release immediately. This way, they will have an opportunity to prepare their case and still maintain their family and work obligations. If the bail bonds in Boulder Colorado has been secured, the accused will be subject to specific conditions set by the court to remain out of jail. If these conditions are violated, the accused will be re-arrested, the bail money will be forfeited, and even face the possibility of new charges. Colorado is one of the eight U.S states

By | 2020-07-02T10:00:35-06:00 June 5th, 2020|Bail Bonds|

4 Reasons Why Using Your Own Money to Post Bail May Not Be the Best idea

If you have a friend or family who is locked up in Boulder County, you definitely will want him or her to get out as soon as possible considering 20% of inmates in jails are estimated to have a serious mental illness. If he or she is allowed to post bail, you may consider using your own money. While using your own money to post bail can be done, it may not be the best idea as there are certain risks involved. Below are the reasons why you should not post bail without a Boulder County bondsman. You will shoulder all

By | 2019-12-25T16:11:23-07:00 January 10th, 2020|Bail Bonds|