What To Do If Your Teenager Is Arrested in Colorado

As a loving parent, you do not want your child to get into trouble, especially if they are only a juvenile. However, it is not a rare incident for youth to be arrested for committing a delinquent or criminal act. According to youth.gov, an estimated 2.1 million youth below 18 years old are arrested in the United States during a single year.

Not all juvenile arrests are pursuant to severe crimes. Some common offenses are shoplifting, simple assault, underage drinking, joyriding, vandalism, graffiti charges, and many others. It is essential to know that the time subsequent to your child being arrested is crucial. You have to immediately call an attorney to represent your teenage child and hire a bail bonds Boulder Colorado agent to secure their freedom.

Being in this situation is stressful enough for you as a parent, but it also affects your child more than you think. So, if you’re caught up in this situation, here are some things you can keep in mind.

Talk to Your Child

Before lashing out at your child, understand the situation first by asking him what happened. As a young fellow, we all know they can act impulsively without better judgment and end up breaking the law. It is also not the right time for you to blame yourself for what had happened to your child. You should be the one who has a clear mind to protect your teen during this trying time.

Give your Child Support

In a time like this, being hysterical and panicked can make the situation worse. It applies to both of you and your child. As a parent, you must give your child support by calling an attorney and Boulder County Bondsman. Be physically present for your child while he is undergoing this stressful situation.

Cooperate with the Authorities

It might be hard to act nicely in front of the police officers who arrested your child but do your best to stay calm and respectful at the same time. It will do you no good if you insult or disrespect the authorities. While keeping this in mind, you must also exercise the rights of your teen by invoking his right to remain silent. Never admit or give sensitive information to the authorities without an attorney present.

Get Professional Help

It is vital to ask support for an attorney who is an expert in the juvenile justice system who will guide you through the legal process in protecting your child’s welfare. Without an attorney, the juvenile offender might provide statements that might worsen the case. Your attorney knows what to do and what not to do for your child’s case. On the other hand, for you to secure your child’s temporary freedom as soon as possible, you have to hire a bail agent that will process your child’s bail bonds in Boulder, Colorado.

Trust the Experts

After doing your part for your child’s case, you can relax a little bit. Your experienced attorney and trusted Boulder County Bondsman would take it from there and fight for your child’s case.

When bailing your teenager out of Colorado jail, contact Lucky Lucero’s Bail Bonds today! Call 303-659-2245 today.

By | 2020-07-02T10:05:48-06:00 June 12th, 2020|Bail Bonds|