What a Bail Bond Is and How It Works

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When a close friend or relative has been arrested and needs to post bail, they may not always be able to afford it. That’s where a bail bond comes in. As an outside party, you can apply for help on their behalf with a bond from a local surety company. Once bail is paid, your loved one will be free until their first court hearing. If you’re wondering, “what is a bail bond” and “how do bail bonds work,” you’re not alone. Read our explanation below to better understand the process.

What Is a Bail Bond?

Bail bond businesses have been around since 1898 when Peter and Tom McDonough established a lucrative, though controversial, agency in San Francisco. They are sometimes known as surety bonds and in basic terms, a bail bondsman pays the bail amount for the accused as set by the judge. The bondsman presents a written promise to the courts on behalf of the arrestee, agreeing to pay a pre-determined charge if the defendant fails to show up for their court appearances. This written promise guarantees your loved one’s release, even though they couldn’t otherwise pay their assigned bail. If you’re at a loss over what surety company to hire, some courts may be able to recommend trusted bondsman in the area whom they may have a relationship with.

How Do Bail Bonds Work?

When you get a bail bond, the bond agent works as the defendant’s surety, which means that they agree to accept the monetary penalty if the accused fails to show up for their hearings. This money is paid directly to the court, so the bondsman is taking on the risk of loss, as are any friends and relatives of the defendant that secure the bond. If the defendant violates the terms of the bond or doesn’t make their court dates, a bondsman can legally recover the money from them. Because of this, high-risk arrestees are less likely to be approved for bonds.

Bail agents also want some reassurance that they’ll be paid an additional return on the original bond amount. Most bondsman will charge a 10 or 15 percent charge for bonds, depending on the crime and bond needed. These fees are non-refundable, and the surety company may ask you to put up personal assets and property as collateral to make it more likely that the defendant will show up for their court dates.

If someone you love has been arrested, knowing how to use bail bond services can be vital in understanding the next steps to take. Let Lucky Lucero’s Bail Bonds help you through this stressful process and help your friend or relative regain their freedom.


Contact Lucky Lucero’s today for your bail bonds in Brighton!


By | 2018-07-31T14:53:32-06:00 August 6th, 2018|Bail Bonds|