Brighton bail bonds

Basic Rights of the Criminal Defendants in the U.S.

Criminal defendants have the rights given by the U.S. Constitution at the very first moment they are arrested. It directs the government on how criminal defendants must be investigated, prosecuted, and punished during the trial.  Right to Remain Silent The Fifth Amendment protects the defendant against self-incrimination. Once a defendant chooses to remain silent, the prosecutor or judge cannot force him to stand as a witness or to testify. However, this right works for criminal defendants only. Therefore, an offender with a civil case may be forced to testify.  Right to a Reasonable Bail Bail bonds

By | 2021-03-29T12:57:32-06:00 March 29th, 2021|Bail Bonds|

How Do Bail Bond Companies Work?

Bail bonding is serious business, and it’s one that’s steadily booming: bail bondsmen reel in approximately $14 billion in bail bonds in the United States each year. But more than the bucks they’re making, bail bond companies provide a lending hand to defendants and their families when all hope seems lost. Not everyone has twenty thousand or fifty thousand in cash readily available for emergencies such as this. Bail bonds companies make it possible for a suspect to return to the community until his trial starts. Exactly how does it work? If you break it down into its simplest form, the

By | 2018-11-07T14:20:12-07:00 November 7th, 2018|Bail Bonds|